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Nugenesis Step-by-Step Baby Boomer

Step-by-step instruction video by Nugenesis on how to apply dip color on natural nails.


Product used:

  1. Prep liquid #1
  2. Base Gel #2
  3. Activator #3
  4. Finish Gel #4
  5. Natural Base
  6. Color of choice
  7. Cuticle oil
  8. Soft brush
  9. 180 grit file
  10. 180 grit buffer
  11. Fine burr bit
  12. Fine diamond bit
  13. E-file

Prep: (natural nails application only)

  1. Cleanse and sanitize hands
  2. Gently push up cuticles with pusher
  3. Gently remove cuticles and shine with fine burr diamond bit 
  4. Shape nails with 180 grit file
  5. Use a soft brush to remove any additional excess dust.
  6. Apply Prep #1 to all 10 nails

Color application

  1.  Working with 1 nail at a time, apply a thin coat of Base Gel #2 to 60% of natural nail. Quickly dip into Natural Base once.  Tap off excess product immediately. 
  2. Use a soft brush to remove any additional excess powder.
  3. Apply a thin coat of Base Gel #2 to 80% of natural nail.  Quickly dip into your color of choice. Tap off excess product immediately.  
  4. Use a soft brush to remove any additional excess powder.
  5. Apply a thin coat of Base Gel #2 to 100% of natural nail.  Quickly dip into your color of choice. Tap off excess product immediately.  
  6. Use a soft brush to remove any additional excess powder.
  7. Apply a thin coat of Base Gel #2 to 100% of natural nail.  Quickly dip into your color of choice. Tap off excess product immediately.  
  8. Use a soft brush to remove any additional excess powder.
  9. Working on all 10 nails, apply a thin coat of Base Gel #2 to 100% of the nails.
  10. Working on all 10 nails, apply a final thin application of Activator #3.
  11. Shape nails with 180 grits file and refine nails with fine diamond bit.  Buff with 180 grits buffer to smooth. 
  12. Use a soft brush to remove any additional excess powder.
  13. Apply Activator #3 to all 10 nails.  
  14. Instruct your client to wash their hands. 
  15. Use a lint free wipe to wipe the nails free of dust.
  16. Apply 2 coats of Finish Gel #4.
  17. Wait 2 minutes to dry and apply cuticle oil.

Do you have additional questions? We'd love to hear from you. Please contact a NuGenesis Nails Master Distributor here or DM our Dip Powder Educators here.

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